In-School's Programmes

Communication, Collaboration, and Confidence

The three C's we see as the baseline to help strengthen other skills to be the best versions of ourselves. Our in-school's programmes are designed for students to explore, question, learn, develop and improve through fun, engaging activities.

Contact Terina if you have a group of students that would benefit from our tailored programmes. 

Empowerment Programme - Riwaka Primary School

In the last hectic term of 2020 we worked with two groups at Riwaka  Primary School, delivering our empowerment programme.  Similar to the leadership programme but more condensed with a focus on communication, confidence building and teamwork.

Leadership Programme - Parklands Primary School

In term two of 2020 we were pleased to be engaged with Parklands Primary delivering weekly sessions to two groups of Y7-8 boys and girls; in our tailored Leadership programme that focuses on:

  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Respect
  • Resilience 
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership

Riwaka Primary School

In June we held a mini-Leadership session for Riwaka Primary School House Captains and Sports Leaders. 

Navigating the planning framework to deliver fun engaging opportunities for students during lunchtimes.

We look forward to further collaboration alongside Motueka High School as part of the integration leadership and support programme.